Childrens Blood tests




Where are tests done ?

There are no hard and fast rules for where childrens blood tests are done as it depends on what is best for the child. 

In general older children can have blood tests done at the surgery by our phlebotomists and younger children have blood tests done by the hospital.


Blood tests in hospital

If your GP wants a blood test and it is to be done at the Sick Kids hospital your GP will do an electronic request for the bloods that the hospital can access.  

You will be given a phone number to call at the hospital to arrange an appointment.  The numbers are open from 9am - 4:30pm. 

Call 0131 312 1548 or 0131 312 1547

You will be given either a prescription or a supply of some numbing cream and dressings to put on your childs arm an hour before your blood test.  The video on this page shows you how to put on the cream.

Click here to go to the sick kids hospital website to learn more about the process.