Reduced capacity at the practice




The practice is currently working with reduced GP capacity.  Due to a national shortage of GPs,  it has not been possible to secure locum cover between Dr Nairn retiring and Dr Chambers starting on 16th August.  The practice has had to make the difficult decision to  prioritise urgent and emergency care for our patients to ensure that clinical safety is maintained.   There will be a wait of approximately 2 – 3 weeks for routine GP consultations.  Please note that this includes routine telephone consultations.   

We continue to receive a number of contacts at the practice which do not need a GP appointment and full details of services that you can self refer to are available on our practice website at the following link: Local services.  These services include the CWIC Mental Health Team, Musculoskeletal service for muscle & Joint problems,  Minor Injuries service and Pharmacy first.   Our patient care advisors can help direct you to the right service for your problem if you are unsure.  This ensures that your problem is dealt with as quickly as possible and that you get the right care at the right time by the right professional.

We thank you for your patience and understanding over this difficult time.

Published: Jul 19, 2021